Being good stewards of God’s gifts作上帝恩賜的好管家

  1. Be self-controlled and clear minded for the purpose of prayer謹慎自守警醒禱告, v7
  2. Loving one another earnestly彼此切實相愛, v8
  3. Showing hospitality without complaint彼此款待而無怨言, v9
  4. Using spiritual gifts ministering as good stewards of God按著上帝恩賜服事的好管家, v10-11

宣召 Invocation:

Psalms 詩篇119:161-168

讀經 Scriptures:

Book of 1Peter 彼得前書 4:7-11

詩歌 Hymns:

  1. 生命聖詩 #26 讚美全能神 (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty)
    歌詞 Midi
  2. 生命聖詩 #13 稱頌上主 (Bless the Lord, O My Soul)
    歌詞 Midi
  3. 生命聖詩 #52 天父必看顧你 (God Will Take Care of You)
    歌詞 Midi
  4. 合而為一
    歌詞 YouTube
2014年5月25日主日崇拜 May 25 Worship